Is it okay to cut the Security Line When You’re About to Miss Your Flight?
Etiquette expert Courtney Fadler weighs on for Reader’s Digest How to Cut the Security Line When You’re About to Miss Your...
Winter Etiquette Woes on Better KC TV!
Is it okay to ask a sick co-worker to go home? Is it rude to ask my guests to take off their shoes when they come over?! It’s so snowy and muddy outside! How do I respond to questions about my New Year’s resolution when I just want to keep it private? We...
Crazy Workplace Conundrums! On Kansas City Live Morning TV
What do you do when your co-worker trims their toenails at work? Yes, it happens! I think we have all had some interesting situations at work. The key is knowing how to handle it without causing a scene or embarrassing another person. I got the chance to talk through...