Have you met Theminivanmom yet?! Well, if you haven’t just yet, allow me to introduce you!:) Libby is the brains and beauty behind www.theminivanmom.com, a fantastic blog/Web site for us moms (and dads) dedicated to “making life easier, practical and affordable with or without the little ones.” I think we could all use some of that!
Libby asked if I would collaborate on some quick tips video sessions (Libby’s specialty) on etiquette tips that would be helpful for both children and adults. We’ve filmed 2 so far, and are so thrilled to share them with you below.
The first one is on “The Family Dinner Table” and I hope you’ll gain a few tips on how to make this more achievable 2 to 3 nights a week.
The second one is on “4 Tips for Dining Out with Children” in a way that helps instill practical etiquette skills for the future.
We will be filming more short etiquette videos in the coming months, but in the meantime, enjoy these two and subscribe to Libby’s blog on her Web site, or follow her on Instagram @theminivanmominsta. Her humor is contagious!
Here they are!